Mesin Rotary sistem switching adalah jenis pertukaran telepon otomatis dibuat dan digunakan di Eropa dari 1910-an. It was developed by Bell Labs in America when they were developing the Panel system [ 1 ] . Hal ini dikembangkan oleh Bell Labs di Amerika ketika mereka mengembangkan sistem Panel [1]. The Rotary and Panel systems had many features in common, for example machine-driven switches and sequence switches (step switches) powered via shafts and clutches, and revertive impulsing from the switches back to the controlling Register which received the dial impulses; but the switches were smaller (200 rather than 500 outlets). The Rotary dan sistem Panel memiliki banyak fitur yang sama, misalnya saklar yang digerakkan oleh mesin dan urutan switch (saklar langkah) powered melalui poros dan cengkeraman, dan revertive impulsing dari switch kembali ke Daftar mengontrol panggilan yang menerima impuls; tetapi switch lebih kecil (200 lebih dari 500 outlet). The initial version was called 7A, succeeded by 7A1 and then 7A2; with a 7D rural system also. Versi awal disebut 7A, digantikan oleh 7A1 dan 7A2; dengan sistem pedesaan 7D juga.
While the Panel system was chosen for American large cities, the Rotary system was selected for use in Europe and manufactured at the Bell Telephone Manufacturing ( Western Electric ) factory in Antwerp, Belgium. Sementara sistem Panel dipilih untuk kota-kota besar Amerika, sistem Rotary dipilih untuk digunakan di Eropa dan diproduksi di Bell Telephone Manufacturing (Western Electric) pabrik di Antwerp, Belgia. The first exchanges were installed in England at Darlington (10 October 1914) and Dudley (9 September 1916). Pertukaran pertama dipasang di Inggris di Darlington (10 Oktober 1914) dan Dudley (9 September 1916). However the British Post Office standardised on the Step-by-Step ( SXS ) system in 1922, and subsequently the SXS Director system for London and other large cities. Namun Kantor Pos Inggris standar di Langkah-demi-Langkah (SXS) sistem pada 1922, dan kemudian di SXS sistem Direktur untuk London dan kota-kota besar lainnya. Rotary exchanges were used in the city of Hull, where telephone service was supplied by Hull Corporation rather than by the BPO. Rotary pertukaran digunakan di kota Hull, di mana layanan telepon ini disediakan oleh Hull Corporation daripada oleh BPO.
The Rotary system was chosen for The Hague , Holland and New Zealand in 1913-14, but manufacture was disrupted by the German invasion of Belgium. Sistem Rotary dipilih untuk Den Haag, Belanda dan Selandia Baru di 1913-14, tapi manufaktur terganggu oleh invasi Jerman Belgia. Dies were moved to England, then to the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric in America (manufacture resumed at Antwerp in 1920). Dies itu pindah ke Inggris, kemudian ke Hawthorne Works dari Western Electric di Amerika (pembuatan kembali di Antwerp pada tahun 1920). The first exchanges cutover were Masterton , New Zealand on 31 May 1919 (followed by Courtenay Place and Wellington South in Wellington on 18 October 1919) [ 2 ] and Scheveningen, The Hague on 7 January, 1920 [ 3 ] . Yang pertama adalah pertukaran cutover Masterton, Selandia Baru pada tanggal 31 Mei 1919 (diikuti oleh Courtenay Place dan Wellington di Wellington Selatan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 1919) [2] dan Scheveningen, Den Haag pada 7 Januari 1920 [3]. The Hague was the first multi-office area served entirely by the No. 7-A machine system with the cutover of the new Centrum office on 15 February 1924. Den Haag adalah multi-kantor pertama daerah dilayani sepenuhnya oleh No 7-Sebuah sistem mesin dengan cutover Centrum baru kantor di 15 Februari 1924. There were four offices equipped with 23,000 lines; Bezuidenhout, Centrum (or Hofstraat), Hague West (or Marnix), and Scheveningen. Ada empat kantor 23.000 dilengkapi dengan garis; Bezuidenhout, Centrum (atau Hofstraat), Den Haag Barat (atau Marnix), dan Scheveningen. The system was owned by The Hague Municipality; initially only 5000 lines were fully automatic, the rest were semi-automatic. Sistem ini dimiliki oleh The Hague Kotamadya; awalnya hanya 5.000 baris sepenuhnya otomatis, sisanya adalah semi-otomatis.
In 1925 IT&T purchased the Bell Telephone Manufacturing company in Belgium, which was formerly affiliated with AT&T ; as the Bell System agreed with regulators to sell its overseas manufacturing interests. Pada tahun 1925 IT & T Bell Telephone dibeli perusahaan Manufaktur di Belgia, yang sebelumnya berafiliasi dengan AT & T; sebagai Sistem Bell setuju dengan regulator untuk menjual kepentingan manufaktur di luar negeri. In the 1930s, ITT grew through purchasing German electronic companies Standard Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft and Mix & Genest, both of which were internationally active companies. Pada tahun 1930-an, ITT tumbuh melalui pembelian perusahaan elektronik Jerman Standar Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft dan Mix & Genest, yang keduanya aktif secara internasional perusahaan.
Apart from Holland (38,100 lines) and New Zealand (48,400 lines), other countries who had installed or ordered Rotary equipment by 1925 [ 4 ] were Australia, Belgium (29,000 lines), Denmark, England, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway (41,160 lines), Romania, South Africa, Sweden and Switzerland. Selain dari Belanda (38.100 baris) dan Selandia Baru (48.400 baris), negara-negara lain yang telah terpasang atau peralatan Rotary diperintahkan oleh 1925 [4] adalah Australia, Belgia (29.000 baris), denmark, Inggris, Prancis, Hungaria, Italia, Norwegia ( 41.160 baris), Rumania, Afrika Selatan, Swedia dan Swiss. There was a total of 104,615 lines in service, and 137,330 lines “proceeding”. Ada total 104.615 baris dalam pelayanan, dan 137.330 baris "melanjutkan". Subsequently at Zurich , Switzerland; the mechanical registers were replaced by PDP computers. Kemudian di Zurich, Swiss; register mekanis PDP digantikan oleh komputer.
The Rotary system used 1st and 2nd linefinders; when a customer picked up the phone all free linefinders in the group drove until one picked that customer line. Sistem yang digunakan Rotary 1 dan 2 linefinders; ketika seorang pelanggan mengangkat telepon semua gratis linefinders dalam grup melaju sampai satu pelanggan memilih baris. Calls were switched over two, three or four group selection stages followed by a final selector. Panggilan dialihkan lebih dari dua, tiga atau empat tahap seleksi kelompok diikuti oleh pemilih akhir. An office could start with two group selection stages for local calls (a first group level would serve 2000 lines), and be expanded to three group selection stages if it outgrew say 2000 or 4000 lines, depending on the number of first group levels required for other offices in a multi-exchange area. Kantor bisa mulai dengan dua tahap seleksi kelompok untuk panggilan lokal (tingkat grup pertama akan melayani 2.000 baris), dan diperluas untuk tiga tahap seleksi kelompok jika outgrew mengatakan 2000 atau 4.000 garis, tergantung pada jumlah tingkat kelompok pertama yang diperlukan untuk kantor lain dalam multi-exchange area.
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